Amethyst, Sure to Flatter yet Fails to Prevent Drunkenness
Amethyst comes from the Greek prefix ‘a,’ meaning not and the word methystos meaning intoxicated. The word Amethyst can be translated to literally mean, “Not drunk.” It was believed to have magic powers that protected the wearer from drunkenness. This has of course proved to be absolutely false. The Amethyst gem will not protect you against the wrath of Sheriff Joe Arpaio while driving under the influence. However, it will increase the overall beauty of its wearer.
Mythology of the Amethyst Gem
The Greeks had a highly amusing mythological account to explain the existences of Amethysts. It was fabled that the god of wine and fertility, Bacchus, was pursuing a beautiful maiden named Amethyst who refused his advances. He pursued her aggressively, but it was her utmost desire to remain pure and chaste in honor of the goddess Diana. Her prayer was granted and Diana turned Amethyst into a beautiful purple gem. Bacchus, hearing the news, searched tirelessly throughout Greece in search of his beloved, who was turned into a gem. He searched far and wide and despaired when his efforts seemed in vain. To drown his sorrow he drank from his vineyards the strongest wines he possessed in order to drown his sorrow. He drank incessantly for months and months, risking his sanity and his health. One day, stumbling drunk into his fields he stumbled upon a beautiful purple gem which he lamented because it reminded him of his beloved Amethyst. However, he began to instantly sober up. He held the gem to his heart and could not beguile his tears from flowing to the dusty ground. He held the gem in his hand and felt guilty for turning such a beautiful girl into a precious stone. However, at this thought the gem gleamed over in approval of its new beholder, preferring a life of immortality as a charm to one as a chaste virgin.